Hands O​f Êpiónê
House of Holistic Therapies

Welcome to my wonderful world of compassion & healing!
My name is DeWitt, and I am an Angelic Reiki Master Healer, a California State Licensed Massage Therapist & Holistic Health Practitioner ~ graduate of the prestigious National Holistic Institute ~ Sacramento.
I have completed 6 levels of Reiki training ~ 4 in Angelic Reiki and 2 in Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki, studying under the wonderful Reiki Master - Janis Kembel, MA, PhD, who has been teaching Reiki classes at St. Joseph's Medical Center - Stockton, Ca, for over 16 years!
Continuously, I strive to increase my knowledge and abilities in the Holistic & Restorative Arts, and to facilitate healing for those in pain & suffering.
Recently, I completed coursework in CranioSacral Therapy, and now have added this advanced modality to my already extensive menu of holistic therapies.
It is amazing working at a higher level vibration, being more enlightened mentally, emotionally, physically and attuned to the needs of others!
I am very excited about this chapter of my career-life & look forward to helping as many individuals & families, as I can reach.
From my heart to yours, Namaste!
~ DeWitt
By the way, in case you were wondering...
Ä’piónÄ“ is the Greek goddess for the soothing of pain & of healing touch!
She is the wife of the medicine-god Asklepios and is the mother of the five Asklepiades... Hygeia (Good Health), Panakeia (Cure-All), Iaso (Healing), Aigle (Radiance), and Akeso (Curing).